Sunday, August 16, 2009

Interesting Week-School starts back!

We'll we had a good week! We spent lots of time with the kids this week before they started school on Thursday. I can't believe that time of year was here again.

On Tuesday, Josh and Jillian met their teacher. Jillian got Ms. Hall, and Preston Ms. Redding. We knew who they were going to be, we requested them. So now, all three of my kids have had the same wonderful 1st grade teacher-Ms. Redding. I am sort of sad we don't have another one to send through her. They have lots of friends in their classes and are excited about starting back.

Josh on the other hand...not as happy about starting back. He gets bored with school easily. He is bright beyond his years. He met his teacher-Ms. Stackhouse on Wednesday and likes her. He has a few good friends in his class as well.

Then Thursday the drama of waking everyone up, including my husband and I who like to sleep in. It was tough but we made it. The traffic was horrible. A usual 8 minute drive to the school took 40 minutes. I can't wait till they finish up and get the road widened.

Josh had baseball camp M-W morning this week. He had 5 of his buddies went and had a good time hanging out and playing baseball together. I felt sort of bad for them because they came straight from camp to meet their teacher on Wednesday. I am sure they all smelled really nice for their 1st impression.

We took the kids bowling afterschool on Friday and to Sonic for ice cream. Then Jillian and I came home to be lazy and have some girl time and Michael took the boys to some of the football scrimmage games that were going on.

Saturday I felt bad. Michael and I didn't get out of bed till noon. Really didn't know the kids were up. They slept in and got up and ate a poptart or breakfast bar, and started playing wii. Finally when Michael and I got up we fixed lunch and called up some friends and we all went to the ballpark to play around. We played a game of the parents versus the kids. It was fun as usual! Then a few friends came over and we got all the ATV's out and went trail riding. It was a great day! By the time everyone got back to our house from riding, there wasn't time to fit Jillian and my trip to the mall in. We weren't going to have time to get a shower and go before they closed, so we are going to try and go today.

We are fixing to head to church, and then hopefully to the mall and Alabama Adventure if it doesn't rain. It is suppose to be 40% chance today. Our luck! Oh We'll If it rains us out we will plan again to go next weekend. I think the waterpark closes the 3rd week in September this weekend. They use to stay open during the week after school started for a few weeks and then just operate on the weekends. It was nice because once the kids started school, I could go and just plop down on the lazy river with another Mom and we would truly relax!

We'll gotta run and get everyone ready for church! I am hoping for a great first full week of school for the kids!


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