Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tax Free Weekend and Nesting????

We headed out to do a little shopping Saturday and Sunday for the tax free weekend. The Riverchase Galleria mall was packed as usual! You wouldn't think we were in a so-called recession! Parents, grandparents, siblings, significant others were sitting outside of mall stores waiting for the rest of their party to check out inside the store. It was wild!

We managed to find Josh some jeans and got the boys some cologne they had been wanting. The boys really don't mind going to the mall anymore since the Lego store opened up. I finally have something to hang over their heads. If you behave while I shop we will go by the Lego store before we leave. When they were younger The Disney Store would work.

I don't know what has come over me the past week. I have been cleaning like crazy. You would think that I was NESTING! I think it is because with the kid's surgeries I couldn't really go anywhere because they had to stay around the house. I cleaned their closets, their drawers, the bathrooms, the kitchen cabinets, the media room got rearranged, and even cleaned out the shelves in my laundry room. I have cooked like crazy too! I made some homemade chicken n dumplings, some homemade blueberry cobbler, and made some blueberry pancakes. I have baked brownies, made cookies, and lots of other things. What has come over me? I think I am trying to take my mind off of the kids going back to school this coming week.

The kids have meet the teacher on Tuesday and Wednesday this week and begin school on Thursday. Josh has a baseball camp Monday-Wednesday this week that will take up the morning hours. I feel bad that the last week before school we didn't really get to do anything fun. We were pretty much homebound while Jillian and Preston recovered from their surgery. We watched tons of movies and shows on t.v., and played wii and other video games. We also played some board games, and built things with toys in their rooms. I still wish we could of gotten one last trip in to Alabama Adventure or to the pool.

We have a friend that is getting married soon and is having a reception at Freedom Park in Charlotte, North Carolina. We found out that the particular weekend of his reception is a National Kiss All thing at the park. We are trying to decide whether or not we should take the kids with us or for us not to go. It is a big gay and lesbian thing at the park. This might be a little hard to explain to young children. We won't have time to get the kids to the grandparent's house so it is either all of us go, or we all stay here. I told Michael he could just go, but he doesn't want to go by himself. We have to decide soon!

We'll I am fixing to watch some t.v. with the hubby before turning in. We put the kids to bed early tonight. We are trying to get them back to a school schedule. They need to be in bed by 8 most nights and get up around 6:20 for school. They have been all sleeping in during the summer so I hope it doesn't take them long to adjust back to getting up so early in the mornings. That is one thing I am not looking forward to.......fighting the traffic to get them to school in time.


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